Custom Vest Quantity in Basket: None Code: RCustomVest Price: $22.50 Style: Pockets & Buttons, 65/35 poly cotton twill NO pocket or buttons, 65/35 poly cotton twill Choose Color: Royal Blue Navy Blue Black Size: Small Medium Large XL XXL + $2.50 XXXL +$2.50 USSVI Patch sewn on Back +$17.00: USSVI Patch $12.00 + $5.00 sewing None Base Name over USSVI Patch (One Line) +$10.00: Name on Front +$7.50: Rate Under Name +$5.00: Dolphins left breast (embroidered) +$5.00: Silver Dolphins +$5.00 Gold Dolphins +$5.00 None Braiding + $10.00: None Gold Braiding + $10.00 Sewing Charge for additional patches $5.00 each: None 1 Patch $5.00 2 Patches $10.00 3 Patches $15.00 4 Patches $20.00 5 Patches $25.00 Placement of Patches: None Best Fit I will email instructions Please contact me Ship Name and Hull Number +$10.00: Ship Name and Hull Number +$10.00: Ship Name and Hull Number +$10.00: Ship Name and Hull Number +$10.00: Ship Name and Hull Number +$10.00: Quantity: Build a customized vest. Choose vest type and embroidery options.